May 27, 2013

iTube: Cobalt Blue Eye Makeup Look + Everyday Curlsssss

   It's Monday and it's Memorial Day holiday up here in the States. I am working a lot on my packing/blog/video editing and Mommy duties (so not much of a holiday for me, except I will be going to the pool in a little bit....part of the mommy thing!). In this post I will be featuring both the makeup and the hair look I wore last week on the OOTD video. I broe down in two so you can only watch the one that interests you (even tough I hope you watch both!!!).

Makeup: I listed all the products I used on the actual video! Let me know if you have any questions ;)

Hair: I used the 1" barrel curly iron from Hot Tools ( best I've owned to this day. And was on sale at Ulta a couple weeks ago, might still be!). Sebastian hair spray in ultra hold.

I know the video was cut short on my bangs, so I do take a bit longer on them, getting smaller sections and holding the hair against the iron for just a couple seconds, you don't want to curl the bang too much ;)

Please help me out ladies and subscribe to my You Tube channel:
Feedback is always so appreciated! Have a beautiful week.



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