Oct 31, 2012

Sex and the City - starring the city and myself....no sex!

   Shall I open this with one of my fave quotes from the show, from Samantha: "That's the thing about the Brazilian. It makes you do crazy things. You have to be very careful who you invite to Brazil." Haha! I shouldn't say this is my fave quote as I have a ton of faves and will share some of them with you!

   Let's just say I've been waiting for this moment for a long time as the last time I visited NYC was about 7 years ago and I wasn't so passionate about "Sex and the City" back then... I was busy having babies!!

   Now, babies are growing and momma is having her fashion moment! The one thing I went to the city to do (besides shopping) was to take the SATC Hotspots tour. I wanted to experience those moments that are so vivid in my mind from the show...and the meeting point was nothing less than the Pulitzer Fountain, in front of the Plaza Hotel where Carrie quoted Barbara Streisand in "The way we were" to Mr. Big when he was getting engaged to beatch Natasha! She said: "Your girl is lovely, Hubbell." I mean who doesn't remember that?!

This is at the other side of the fountain, and behind me there's delicious Bergdorf Goodman where the girls bought MANY shoes throughout the show ;) 

    Before we go on I must tell you about the difficulty of finding the puurrrrrfect outfit for such a remarkable occasion, needless to remind you I'm living in a teeny tiny valley in the mountains temporarily, meaning I didn't bring my closet along and had to find something simple (I really wanted to wear a tutu!) yet fashion forward fast. I was happy with the final choice, but still wanted that tutu...
well, the sweater was a hit with everyone as I was stopped in almost every corner to answer to the ladies where I found my hello kitty little number, at the kiddie session at Target! Trendy and Cheapie, my first option of skirt was a Zac Posen pleated high-waist skirt but the fabric was too heavy with the sweater, so I found a vinyl pleated mini at the Times Square Forever 21, the bootie was featured here already and I didn't feel right with just that, so I found the perfect angora blend (so soft and warm) socks at H&M to pair with it and voilà!!!

   Our first stop - the "Pleasure Chest" where the girls got their RABBIT! Yesss, from the episode when they discovered the joys of the vibrator! Hehehe....too bad we couldn't take pictures inside, let's just say we laughed so hard it was difficult to stay in there for too long!

*I'm posting videos so everyone can follow along!

Look at those shoes my friend Karin was wearing! Amazing spiky Schutz babies!!!
   Anybody remembers the rehearsal dinner from the first movie when Carrie tells Big: "It's the last single girl kiss." We visited the restaurant where that was taped, the beautiful Buddakan in Chelsea.  -we tried to eat there but just like any trendy spot in the Island they didn't have any openings until midnight :(

This is just the reception!!! Awesome land or what?!

Over at this bar is where the famous quote was said...

Rehearsal dinner anyone? Those amazing chandeliers and the Asian designs on the walls, just beautiful. 

Of course we walked a bit further to find the spot where Stanford and Anthony had their first kiss!

   Can't find the clip but here this goes, just for laughs....as if you pay attention they were in Chelsea too: 

   We had a good half an hour to walk around the Greenwich Village or West Village, the artsy sort of quiet neighborhood (nothing is really quiet there) is just about the coolest neighborhood in NYC. It's also where Sarah Jessica Parker lives in real life.

Pumpkin carving on the street? Such New Yorkers ;)

Back on the bus, cupcakes were waiting for us! Delish sugary littles cakes....yum!!
    Our last stop was "Scout", the fictitious bar Steve opened with Aidan. Except the real bar is called ONIEAL'S and is located on Grant St. not on Mulberry St., as the show suggests! This was a must stop to have a yummy cosmopolitan!

This is the entrance where Carrie uses to give Aidan a Mulberry plant (see the video bellow)

Us and our sassy guide, who let out the F#*@s every now and then!

This is the side entrance where Carrie and Aidan had their talk over a cigarette and cake!

   As the tour went by we pass by many of the places where the show was taped and of course I wouldn't have the time or the space to talk about all of them, but it was nice having a guide who was so knowledgeable and passionate about the show as many of the tour goers. She quoted the girls a lot with their big F words and all, it was highly entertaining and I highly recommend! We used 'on location tours'.

   As you might have the same wonderings I had, such as where are their apartments and the cafe where they had their Sunday brunch?! Well, I found out those are all studios as in all TV and movies when you are in a particular spot so many times, over and over throughout the show or movie those have to be made into a studio (for SATC they used the famous Silvercup studios in Long Island City -my friend's neighborhood- in the borough of Queens). They are torn out after the show is over and so no peeks of them...

   And just so I can finish feeling good, I needed to share a small part of one of my top most "laughed hard awesome favorite" episodes, even my husband laughed with me on this one (he loves Sam's lines, but won't ever admit it!!)

   But I sure hope you enjoyed going back in time with me, as I absolutely loved writing about this subject....in fact I wish I could write about it everyday for many years to come, but then it would be boring....so let's enjoy it and move on!



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