May 11, 2012

Brasil....meu Brasil brasileiro....

Listening to axe music, looking through pictures and brainstorming for a post I found myself feeling extremely homesick today, but in a good way. I'm so proud of my heritage and couldn't be happier to see that Macy's has brought a piece of Brazil to it's stores here in America!

Such happy colors, places, and people fit in perfectly with the new season. Let's celebrate spring with the joyful spirit of the Brazilians ;)

I used to not be a fan of Indy car racing (only liked Formula One because our dear Ayrton Senna) but couldn't help myself but falling in love with this very American race after the Brazilian sweethearts Tony and Helio started to make history on the tracks! Gotta love these guys ;)

 Viva o Brasil!!!!!



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